Help Family & Friends Pay Down Their Student Loans

Help a loved one by sending payments directly to their loan servicer to help them move on from student debt and conquer big life goals.

Who Is Aunt Betty?

Aunt Betty personifies a family member who stands out for their kindness and generosity.

The Aunt Betty Fund was named for our founder’s great aunt, Elizabeth Butler. She was raised in an orphanage and, as fortune had it, became a single mom. Late in life her retirement check of $125 a month was barely enough to cover food and rent. Into her eighties, she had to work at Goodwill Industries to pay her other expenses. Still she managed to stuff $20 into each birthday card. Aunt Betty was generous beyond her means. And happier for it.

Have You Asked Them Yet?

Aunt Betty encourages you to ask younger family members about their student loans.  If you don’t, you may never know what big goals they are postponing because they are still paying for their education. Connect with them by sending a no-commitments invitation through Aunt  Betty.  It’s never too late to start a dialogue.

How You Can Help a Loved One, Friend, or Employee

The average graduate leaves school with nearly $40,000 in student debt and takes 20 years to pay off their loans. You can make a big difference for your friends & family by sending a one-time gift or beginning a monthly contribution toward their student loan payments. The Aunt Betty Fund provides a safe and secure platform to do so. Here’s how it works.

Register on Our Secure Website

Register today and invite friends & family – once they register, you’ll be able to set up a contribution to their student loans. The Aunt Betty Fund’s system is built with financial-grade encryption you can trust. Register Today

Set Up a One-Time or Recurring Payment

Use your account dashboard to easily set up payments to one or more recipients. The Aunt Betty Fund facilitates one-time gifts or recurring monthly payments.

Funds Are Sent Directly to the Loan Servicer

The Aunt Betty Fund verifies the identity and loan details of fund recipients and sends your payment directly to the loan servicer to pay down the debt, unless you instruct otherwise.

Spread the Word

Help The Aunt Betty Fund accomplish its mission by telling your friends, family, and followers about our programs.